Bullying is a worldwide epidemic that affects all races and both genders. Even though most research concludes that bullying is happening within the adolescent and teen ages. I personally think that all ages are equally affected. Whether it’s a student bullying another student at school, a supervisor bullying an employee at work or a teacher bullying a student in the classroom it’s all the same and must be exposed immediately. No human being deserves the mental anguish and the psychological devastation this causes.

I am a “BULLYBUSTER” for life and the strongest advocate against Bullying on earth. I will faithfully comment to my lifelong mission not only to educate the world about this terrible epidemic but also to spearhead an operation through knowledge and awareness that will cause a severe blow to all aspects of BULLYING.
There is nothing that leaves a more dissatisfying taste in my mouth than someone trying to take advantage of someone "JUST BECAUSE" or for no reason at all, I've never understood the logic. I’ve actually had several physical altercations with bullies because of their malicious intent to cause harm to innocent people. Now that I’m older I’m much wiser, I fight the BULLYING epidemic through education and awareness. It's something that I have actively been doing for some time now. It’s my passion and just like a preacher is called to preach the word of GOD. I am called to combat ALL aspects of BULLYING!
My novel is now complete. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you “BULLYBUSTER” … It was a “MUST WRITE” for me. It’s geared towards the pre-teen and teen age years, but it has a powerful impactful message. I am a huge fan of the Disney’s, “Mary Poppins” (Come now, I know that I am not the only one, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”) it was something about the human / animation interaction that consumed me entirely. The WIZ, Pete’s Dragon, Bedknobs and Broomstickes, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Annie are all favorites of mine. “BULLYBUSTER” will be the 21st Century Annie & Mary Poppins. The screenwriting process is under way and at the end a very successful movie venture will be born.
*** The most complete “Bullying” definition that I read and agree with was from Peplar and Craig 1997 from Queens University Department of Psychology, “Bullying is the assertion of power through aggression. Its forms change with age: school playground bullying, sexual harassment, gang attacks, date violence, assault, marital violence, child abuse, workplace harassment and elder abuse” ***
Join me in my fight against BULLYING, pledge to be a “BULLYBUSTER” today and make an impactful change in someone life immediately. Let's be a team, build a brand, and become THEE ULTIMATE EMPIRE!


Every decade a magical myth is born unto the world with promise. This decade, the BULLYBUSTER myth will be discovered to deliver that very promise. Scott Colman is your typical 6th grader. The quiet, shy, geekish kid has something in common with most kids like him, BULLIES prey on them! Bradford “Brad” Elington is Taylor Elementary most feared bully. He terrorizes all with no conscience and when Scott finally reaches his “Being Bullied” limit, he decides that the legendary BULLYBUSTER myth is his last and only chance for help. Scott discovers the myth and once the BULLYBUSTER oath is taken, his world changes immediately.

THE BULLYBUSTER OATH: “I am a BULLYBUSTER, if someone is in need of help, I will help. If someone is in need of a friend, I will befriend. If I witness any act of bullying, whether it’s physical, verbal, or cyber, I will report it immediately. I will never be a bystander. Bystanders are as guilty as bullies themselves. I can and will make a difference in all bullying incidents that I witness.”
Andy Rodgers is a new student who arrives at the school after the myth is discovered and the oath is taken. He quickly befriends Scott and the two become virtually inseparable, but little does Scott know, Andy’s arrival and friendship isn’t coincidental, he’s a BULLYBUSTER, on a mission to help rid him from his bullying nightmare Brad. Join Scott and Andy on their epic magical musical adventure as they set there sight on ending Brad’s bullying rein. The intense comedy and nonstop action in this story is both priceless and endless.


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